Wednesday, December 26, 2012

2009 Opolo Summit Creek Zinfandel

So nice isn't it when you sit down in your favorite chair, recliner or curl up on the sofa and decide that you are going to relax. Now relaxing to each person is so different isn't it. Some people like to turn on the television. Some people like to read a book or page through a magazine. What ever you do to relax, I say good for you.  For this personal session of relaxation I chose the couch, a wonderful wool and mohair blanket from Ireland (Thank you Miss Lynn) and a stack of catalogs that we received in the mail. You know how right before the holidays you receive TONS of them. Houseware stores, clothing retailers, specialty food houses and so on! Well, I piled them up on the table to my left, put the leaf up on the side table, and brought in some cheese and a fresh baguette and a bottle of vino. I selected the 2009 Opolo Summit Creek Zinfandel.

When I opened it the fruit smell was very distinct. Black cherry and some hints of Raspberry. The color is dark, dark garnet. As you swirl the glass, the wine clings to the glass, then gently slides back down. The taste is the same as the bouquet, but the subtle spice and pepper is compliment the soft tannins.
So very, very tasty! 

So as I checked out the catalogs, marking various pages as possible treasures that might need to be purchased, I kept drinking the Opolo Zinfandel and thought what a great vino!  I mean it really was fantastic!
The bread and cheese went great as would a great dish like Big Daddy's Sweet and Sour Meatballs. A great dish for appetizers with some crusty bread...YUM!

While you are out shopping around, pick up a bottle or two. You'll love the taste of this Zinfandel from Paso Robles. This one will age really well also. I have another one in our wine rack and will do another taste test later in 2013.

Do you think it's too obvouis to put a note with each of the pages with the folded back corners, as a hint of a few things that I would like? 

For about $14.00, this vino definitely MADE THE PIG JUMP OVER THE MOON!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Really? 2013 is almost here...

Well, I've had notes written down about several wines I 've tasted, just have not had time to put them here on the blog! Yes, it is the holiday season! That non stop express train that starts right before Thanksgiving, and keeps flying down the tracks until New Years Day!  At our house, I know we're in the finality of the season when I'm on the roof.  As I climb the ladder, start to detach the Christmas lights from the eaves and reflect back at how fast yet another year went by.

When up there on the roof, you have a fantastic view. Gives you the time to reflect and think too. When it's sunny and clear you can see the snow capped mountains in the distance. If you climb up at night, a great view of the Disneyland fireworks! While it's not quite time to take down the decorations, it will be soon enough, like in the blink of an eye.

One thing that I know I am really thankful for is my partner. While driving me crazy, being so creative it takes me to the edge of my understanding, he is a fantastic person. Truly special. Also, so very lucky and blessed to have a mom that is more like a friend. She also loves her "grand dog", Miss Ruby and comes by most everyday to take her for a walk and generally spoil her with tons of affection and love.

Of course, all of our friends. They are all more like family then anything else. You all know who you are! How wonderful that we've shared some great dinners, great parties, great adventures here and in Costa Rica. Memories that just add to the already fantastic memories for years earlier. It's really a funny thing about the group of friends that all hang together, so diverse, yet so much fun to be with. A recap of the all the various trips and celebrations makes me smile...all I can say is thanks, such great people and such great memories.

Looking forward to writing about more wine and stories in the coming year. More adventures, more wine and more fun! 

So warm wishes to everyone! Have a Happy Christmas and a truly Spectacular New Year!

All my best, and watch for more exciting news from The Pig Jumped Over the Moon!