Sunday, August 19, 2012

California Conspiracy White Table Wine

The weather has been in the news here in southern California. For the last 10 days the weather has been over 90 degrees and so humid, I had to check to make sure I wasn't in Central America. That all being said, I wanted something refreshing that would go with the dinner Big Daddy was making.

So I found the bottle of California Conspiracy White Table Wine. Is was nice and chilled and ready for the taking!

I opened it up and poured a nice glass. As you lift the glass the aroma is really fruity, even a bit of vanilla. The taste is really, really nice. You can taste the fruit and it has a nice smooth bouquet. The taste renders a nice pineapple, with some honey dew and cantaloupe. Very tropical, very easy to drink.

As far as information on the wine, that seems to be a conspiracy as well! While the back of the bottle says that it is bottled by California Conspiracy Cellars, Santa Rosa, California. A search on the web finds nothing! I mean no specific wine cellar that I could find!

I would pick up a bottle or two, it is a great value at $8.99! It might be difficult to find, but if you are interested, let me know. I'll let you know where I found it. This wine really made THE PIG JUMP OVER THE MOON!


  1. I have known and shared many a wine with Don Antonio! Like a good wine, his taste has "matured" over time. His knowledge of wine,true value, and willingness to
    "do his homework" will be to the benefit of all readers of this blog.

    1. Thanks Terrill! Yes, lot's of vino has been shared...much more to taste and enjoy as well!
